Monday, April 8, 2013

City Beautiful-Washington D.C

The final blog is about Washington D.C and its urban morphology and structure. It is very important to note that Washington D.C was built according to an urban movement called City Beautiful, a movement that was a sort of a reform in North American architecture, that began by the 1900s. At the core of this movement was the beautification, the grandiosity and impeccable aesthetic of monuments that comprised a city. Examples beside Washington, is Chicago, Cleveland and so on. The proponents of this movement believed that by emphasizing the grandiosity and beautification of a city, this aesthetic would itself promote the best values found in humans and would promote their civic duties.
Now of course, everyone that has been in Washington D.C can witness that. An example of that is the National Mall that is between the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial. It encompasses in everyone a sense of beauty, grandiosity for the national monuments. The National Mall is an open park area with a “clear path” that leads to the Lincoln Memorial in a way “stressing” the importance of that monument. Another thing very important to notice from the buildings, like the White House, I can deduct that the layout of the city resembles ancient Greek/Roman Imperial architecture. Why ? Because Greece was de-facto the birthplace of democracy and Rome during the Republic Era inherited the fundamentals of democracy. So it make sense that the capital of the New Founded State, the USA, which was found on the pillars of democracy, would resemble these ancient cities where democracy itself was created and creating monuments to glorify these values. Also walking into the National Mall, one can clearly see a sense of order and placement. There is definitely not an organic type of planning when talking about Washington D.C, but rather a well-thought urban landscape that would promote good civic duties, honour, dignity and patriotism among the citizens. The buildings in my opinion are not an expression of power but more an expression of an undying ideal. They are big and placed in a very “arithmetic way” but in difference from lets say despotic regimes that are characterized by the same type of architecture, this monuments are not frightening, they do not impose authority but rather respect and love for the motherland. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spanish-American architecture

From the readings on OWL and some extra readings that I did we can derive some general points on why the Spanish adopted the grid urban form, how the Laws of the Indies influenced the Spanish American architecture and how the space was organized
First of all, as mentioned in the readings the only “new” thing that the Spanish architects found in the New World was a pre-urban form that was somewhat different from the urban morphology adopted in Europe at that time. The Spanish architects adopted the grid urban form for a variety of reasons:

  1. If we carefully look at the pictures in the readings we can notice that all the cities are built around a Plaza Mayor. The Plaza Mayor is the focal point of these cities. Actually even the directions of the streets were chosen in such a way to protect the Plaza Mayor from the winds. (Wikipedia Information)
  2. The cities that were built were very mechanic. Mechanic in the sense that the cities were meant to be cities that function for the population. Usually the site of the city would be a fertile land, near a river or near a water supply(could be a river, lake and so on). The land according to the Laws of the Indies was divided into parcels(like the early Romans did) in order for the agricultural production to be more efficient. The buildings still according to the Laws of the Indies had to be all the same size and height so that the city is aesthetic. Also the population growth was taken into account so the surface of the city was chosen in such a manner to host an explosion in population.
  3. A third point that I think is important to make is that these cities(according to the readings) also resemble the bastides type of cities that France used to built. Bastides were built following a grid model, and usually built by a single founder. Beside the architectural similarities, I believe that these cities were similar to the bastides because it was a way to exert control and authority from the Empire that was in another continent.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Granada and Santa Fe Granada

Granada and Santa Fe Granada are 2 cities 11km apart located in Spain. In a historical view but also in an urban morphological context they are very important during the medieval-Renaissance period that we are studying in class. In order to analyze the urban and architecture form of the cities, first we need to point some very important historical data and facts.
As discussed in class Granada which was known as the Emirates of Granada was under Muslim ruler ship. According to history it was on 1492 that, the Emirates of Granada surrendered to the Catholic Spain, during what was called the Reconquista of Al-Andalus, which is of course one of the most important historical times for Granada. From the other side Santa Fe Granada is equally important. During the times of the Reconquista, the War in Granada, the Catholic Spanish army settled in a region called Ojos De Huescar and from this camp they drove out the Muslim rulers. In order for this big achievement they renamed the region Santa Fe Granada, and for Catholic Spain at that time this place was “sacred”, because from this place they unleashed the final attack on the Muslim rulers. From these we can derive the relationship of the historical cores between the 2 cities. Santa Fe Granada with Granada served as “sacred” or better yet very special places for the Spanish Catholic Nobility. From Google Maps and Google Earth we can see the magnificent cathedrals, palaces and so on. The decorations are also impressive. In class we talked about a new wave in architecture that spawned in Spain called Plateresque. Basically is a mixed architecture that encompasses Gothic, Renaissance with a blend of Mudejar. (Mudejar were the Muslim that converted to Catholicism. Firstly, the Catholic rulers allowed the Muslim population to follow their religion but when they saw that the conversion rate was very slow they started to convert them by any mean. Some Muslims left for North Africa, the others remained were converted and these were called Mudejar, still holding though their roots, culture and tradition that was blended also in the architecture). Another point to make is that Santa Fe was built in a grid manner. The reason for this as discussed in class was for better controlling the people, different type of urban space allocation, and another reason why I believe is that during these times cartography or map-making was a science that was advancing very rapidly. Santa Fe was the city that Colombus got the “Ok” from the King to sail for the New World. In my opinion they started adopting the efficiency of maps and coordinates to urban planning. A grid-system resembles a Cartesian systems .That is why in my opinion they started also to use the grid system

Friday, March 8, 2013

New Mexico and Tenochtitlan

After I did my research using Google earth and after the readings I came to the conclusion that the Spanish conquistadores led by Cortez built the city of New Mexico on Tenochtitlan for the following reasons:

1)      As mentioned in class Tenochtitlan was a big, sophisticated city with complex irrigation systems, aqueducts, temples, administrative building and also at its peak was believed to host around 300000 people. (Roughly the population of London, Ontario). In some other extra readings that I did some scholars believe that the number might be even close to 500000 people. So using logic, from a practical point of view it made sense. The entire basics infrastructure to sustain a population was already there. Actually Cortez was stunned by Tenochtitlan and it made sense for him to set up the new capital here. Also as discussed in class Tenochtitlan and maybe 1 or 2 more cities had this kind of urban sophistication. The other Aztec cities were relatively small and standard.

2)      The second reason why this site was chosen had to do with what I like to call “cultural and religion assimilation”. Although Cortez was stunned by Tenochtitlan he never agreed with their culture of blood and human sacrifice. So since this city had the biggest population, he wanted to convert them to Christianity. After he conducted a siege that lasted 3 months he “erased” the temples and buildings of the old order and built Spaniards administrative centres and churches. A good example for this is the Templo Mayor which most of it was destroyed and a Catholic church was built instead of it.  


So in conclusion I believe that Tenochtitlan was chosen as a site for the new city for practicality and also to erase the Aztecs culture and religion and to convert them to Christianity

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Located about 30 miles (50 kilometers) northeast of modern-day Mexico City, Teotihuacan was one of the largest urban centers in the ancient world. No one knows who built it. The city flourished between 2,100 years ago, when construction began, and about 1,400 years ago, when it went into a period of decline, including a fire that caused great damage. However, even with the decline, the city was never truly “lost” — the Aztecs made regular pilgrimages to the site in later periods. What the city’s own inhabitants called the city and its structures is unknown. The current name, Teotihuacan, was given to it by the Aztecs, and means “the place where the gods were created.”

Size and influence
At its zenith, Teotihuacan encompassed an urban core of about 8 square miles (20 square km) with a population estimated at more than 100,000 people. Its influence was felt throughout central Mexico and as far south as Guatemala.
The city was organized using a grid plan, many people living in what scholars refer to as “apartment compounds,” containing multiple families.  An archaeological mapping project identified about 2,200 of these structures within the city, with excavations showing that some compounds were richer than others, containing more stone and lime plaster in their construction.

Avenue of the Dead
Running on a north-south axis is the city’s main street known today as the Avenue of the Dead, from a later Aztec name. It runs for more than two miles and contains three major pyramid complexes.

Pyramid of the Moon
At the northern end of the avenue is the Pyramid of the Moon from an Aztec name. Recent research suggests it was built in stages between around 1 AD and 350 AD. It started off as a small platform and eventually became a 150-foot-high (46 meters) pyramid with a base 550 feet (168 meters) by 490 feet (149 meters). Its elevated platforms were likely used for rituals that could be witnessed by people on the ground. Tombs found associated with the structure contain both human and animal sacrifices along with grave goods such as obsidian and greenstone.

Pyramid of the Sun
Less than half a mile south of the Pyramid of the Moon is the Pyramid of Sun. At a height of more than 200 feet (63 meters) and a base more than 730 feet (225 meters) long on each side, this pyramid is one of the largest structures created in the pre-Columbian New World. It would have been completed around 200 AD.
In 1971, an archaeological team discovered a tunnel underneath the pyramid, its entrance located near the Avenue of the Dead. They dug out the fill in the tunnel finding that it terminated in a cloverleaf shaped chamber which, sadly, had been looted in antiquity. The cave was likely used for rituals of some kind.
Another discovery, announced late last year, was a small treasure trove of offerings that may date to when construction of the pyramid began. Among the items found was a green serpentine mask that may have been a portrait of an ancient individual.

Temple of the Feathered Serpent
Located south of the Pyramid of the Sun is the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, also known as “La Ciudadela,” a name Spanish conquistadors gave it. The focal point of this monument is a six-stepped pyramid, smaller than the other two examples on the Avenue of the Dead. Two apartment compounds located nearby may have been inhabited by local elites.
The pyramid is believed to have been completed sometime in the 3rd century AD. Cut in low relief on the structure are alternating heads showing Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent god, and a being that appears to be Tlaloc, an ancient storm god.  
Found near the pyramid are the burials of about 200 people. Many of them were young men and the grave offerings suggest that they were warriors, possibly Teotihuacan’s own. The fact that many of them were found with their wrists crossed behind their backs suggests that they had been tied up and, for some reason, sacrificed. Young women and a few older men were also found, with offerings. 

Mural art

Teotihuacan is well-known for its colorful murals painted on plastered walls. They can be found in the city’s many apartment compounds as well as on other buildings identified as palaces and temples. Among the motifs that can been seen are images of the storm god, Tlaloc, as well as a deity that scholars call the “Great Goddess,” likely associated with agricultural fertility. Other motifs include birds, jaguars, coyotes, owls and the feathered serpent.

Whether pictographic figures found at Teotihuacan constituted a proper writing system is a source of debate. Karl Taube, a professor at University of California Riverside, argues in a paper that the inhabitants “had a complex system of hieroglyphic writing,” one complementing the vast and ancient city.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


          The remains of a Roman city were discovered buried in the sands of Northern Algeria in 1881. The city known as Timgad was found just as it had been left 2,000 years ago. Numerous Roman structures were built to demonstrate the power and prosperity of the Empire at that time.
Stored rainwater and irrigated water was brought here. Along the walls of this open area are bench-like chairs. Each seat has a round hole. This in fact is a public lavatory. Rainwater flowed through the channel below and flushed the human waste away. The water and sewage systems are especially remarkable.
A notable feature of Timgad is that all the houses are the same size. Why was the town designed in a grid system? Dividing land equally among Romans and Africans and promoting equality would appeal to all citizens of the city. Timgad was the embodiment of Roman power but it also existed for another hidden political purpose. When Timgad was built, it was declared that only Roman citizens would be allowed to live there. Roman citizenship was granted to “any man completing 25 years of military service and his son”. People wanting to benefit from comfortable living conditions and for the sake of their children willingly joined the army. Timgad was a city built for soldiers who gained citizenship by fighting for Rome. The reward for enduring a harsh military life was the prospect of leading an elegant life in Timgad.
The Peruvian site of Pikillacta is an enormous set of ruins belonging to the Wari Empire. The site is located in the Lucre Basin of Peru at the east end of the valley of Cuzco, some thirty kilometers from the capital city of Cuzco.The word Pikillacta means "flea city" in Quechua; its original name is unknown (as mentioned by the author). The site covers an area of nearly 2 square kilometers, including an enormous rectangular enclosure with hundreds of separate rooms, some small and plain, some large enclosures and compounds, some richly decorated. Some of the rooms contained human remains, and based on that, Pikillacta is thought to represent a ritual facility for the practice of ancestor worship.One of the most interesting aspects of Pikillacta (and there are numerous) is the hydraulic works that connect the water resources of the site to terraces and cultivable fields in the Lucre Basin, including canals, reservoirs, causeways, and aqueducts. This complex set of features allowed intensive agriculture of maize,potatoes and other crops.The purpose of Pikillacta was pretty clearly not residential--in fact, it appears to have been used only sporadically. Excavator Gordon McEwan believes the primary function of the site was administrative. Pikillacta, says McEwan, was a device used by the Wari Empire to control its subjects by controlling the location and context of the Wari religious ceremonies. In my opinion the site as a whole was built to serve in an administrative capacity. No remains that would suggest storage in the compartmentalized structures exist. In the case of Pikillacta, the style of Wari architecture was simply used as a statement of administrative power, and occupied by an elite population. Though the imposing grided formation of structures is aesthetically obtrusive, the layout was, as was the placement of the city in the region itself, strategic and followed a plan.
The difference is that Timgad was structually built to house soldiers and to be “residential”. Pikillacta is built in a more “transparent” way. It was built to serve as an administrative center for the Wari Empire. The similarities on the other hand consist in that both these cities where colonial and they represented the power of each empire. 

Timgad as seen from above

Pikillacta. One can see the clear non-organic path surrounded by high walls.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Roman Imperial Architecture

As my guidebook I choose Lonely Planet. The Lonely Planet guide to Rome, “divides” Rome into 6 main important landmarks. The Vatican City, The Pantheon, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Museo e Galleria Borghese, Ancient Rome and Tivoli. For the purpose of this assignment I will be concentrating on the Ancient Rome section which is divided into Roman Forum, Palatine and the Colosseum. In the guidebook, a lot of important sites are mentioned. From the information from the guidebook the readers gets a lot of information around the history of the sites like what period they were built or which emperor was in power during those times but there is not a substantial knowledge on the architecture. The guidebook limits this kind of knowledge to the shape, size and the material used for each site. The features of the physicality, terrain and so on are not mentioned enough in the guidebook that I choose, although architecture is the most visible legacy of any culture, and often survives other elements of the culture that have sunk into oblivion. Throughout the classical world the Empire of the Romans was littered with enduring monuments to their gods and military leaders, even the ruins of which still possess the capacity to awe their observers. In an era where pagan deities are blasé and military triumph eschewed, those monuments have instead become hallowed testaments to the engineering skill of the architects who designed them. Indeed, the Roman legacy has dominated Western architecture until fairly recently.
I would like the reader to ponder the architectural achievements of other cultures. Consider the Taj Mahal, considered the most beautiful building in India, built by a prince as a tomb for his lost queen. Or consider the Pyramids, those structures meant to help a Pharaoh’s soul ascend to Ra. Magnificent? Certainly in their own ways. But does the average person really care about some Indian prince’s wife, or if some Egyptian ruler finds his way to his solar deity? Not likely. This is what makes Rome as an empire and an aesthetic ideal different than most powers before or since. The Romans were first and last a practical people, and their engineering feats were meant to actually run an empire. Sewers, aqueducts, temples, baths, markets, amphitheatres, (all these sites in the Forum Area) they were all meant for use by the people. Logistically, Roman architecture in the imperial era depended on the use of an amazing new building material: concrete or at least something very similar to that, that emerged again in the 18 century. Economically, Roman architecture owed to the empire’s ability to organize large labor groups with the same efficiency as they organized their legions (indeed, in the provinces it was often the legions responsible for construction. In Rome proper, however, colleges of skilled labor were employed). In my opinion these facts make the imperial architecture of Rome so special and unique. Below are some pictures of ancient Rome important sites.

In this Picture we can see, a lot of temple clustered together

This picture is a reconstruction of the Forum. We can see that is very dense, typical Roman Imperial Architecture. We can see the Statue of The Emperor in the middle and that is the influence of power in the imperial Roman architecture. The streets are paved with stones.